- Eat a healthy breakfast. Eat something with carbohydrates to give you energy, such as whole grain toast, some protein such as an egg, and something with some sugar like orange juice or a piece of fruit. You don’t want to get hungry. Too much caffeine will make you edgy, so don’t drink much coffee or soda.
- Remember your goals. Yes, it can be hard to listen to dense academic lectures. But remind yourself that you have to pass this test because it is a way to reach your goals in life. Tell yourself the test will be over very quickly and you have to simply get through it.
- Listen for clues and write them down. Taking a lot of notes and listening actively will help you to focus. Listen for definitions, tone, attitude, words that the professor stressed, and so on. By focusing on taking your notes, you will automatically listen more closely.
- Try to predict the questions while you listen. This will keep your attention on the lectures or conversations.
- Do not let other test- takers distract you. There will be other people in the room with you. Pay them no attention. Keep your headphones throughout the test and DO NOT look up, even if other people get up or walk around.
- Remember, "it can wait." In other words, if you have a personal problem, it will still be there when you finish the TOEFL. If you are waiting on an important call- you can call the person back after the test. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on... will all be there when you are done the test. This is the moment to focus on TOEFL.